GTi Mk1 w akcji - film
u nich wychowuja sie mistrzowie dzieki temu
u nich wychowuja sie mistrzowie dzieki temu
speak english. Our friend may be watching this topic about his car, and he won`t understand a word of your discusion <img src="/images/graemlins/wpysd.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/tuk.gif" alt="" />
i can`t speak very well in english, so sometimes i must speak polish
speak english. Our friend may be watching this topic about his car, and he won`t understand a
word of your discusionIt's okay, I'm getting quite good at Polish <img src="/images/graemlins/biglaugh_.gif" alt="" />
i can`t speak very well in english, so sometimes i must speak polish
popa, popa jak polyglota <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" />
popa, popa jak polyglota
so what <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" />
so what
soł nic <img src="/images/graemlins/20.gif" alt="" />
soł nic
peace <img src="/images/graemlins/waytogo.gif" alt="" />
It's okay, I'm getting quite good at Polish
I'm immpressed <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> about Your car, driving and language skills <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" />
It's okay, I'm getting quite good at Polish
<img src="/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif" alt="" /> very easy language. Hmm if you want to translate something try this -> (write a sentence and press 'na angielski')
of course it isn't perfect <img src="/images/graemlins/biglaugh_.gif" alt="" /> -
very easy language. Hmm if you want to translate something try this -of course it isn't
perfectPost Erde (zmodyfikowana na potrzeby translatora): // Erde's post (modified for the needs of
"Tylko że u nas to rzadkość a u nich jak widać kończysz 16 lat i bez prawa jazdy możesz jeździć sportowym samochodem ponad 120 na rajdowych"Tłumaczenie na angielski: // Translation into English:
"Only that it at we rareness but as you can see, you finish lat (summer; year) at they 16 and you can commute without law of (as of right of) riding over 120 on rally routes sports car"<img src="/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif" alt="" />
OF: A wiesz jakie są jaja, jak się wrzuci do translatora Regulamin Porządku Domowego ze Spółdzielni Mieszkaniowej? <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" />
Post Erde (zmodyfikowana na potrzeby translatora): // Erde's post (modified for the needs of
"Tylko że u nas to rzadkość a u nich jak widać kończysz 16 lat i bez prawa jazdy możesz jeździć
sportowym samochodem ponad 120 na rajdowych"
Tłumaczenie na angielski: // Translation into English:
"Only that it at we rareness but as you can see, you finish lat (summer; year) at they 16 and
you can commute without law of (as of right of) riding over 120 on rally routes sports car"przecie napisałem ze :
of course it isn't perfect <img src="/images/graemlins/biglaugh_.gif" alt="" />ja do tej pory czasem korzystałem jak potrzebowałem pojedyncze słowa <img src="/images/graemlins/gris.gif" alt="" />
przed wyjazdem do niemiec dostalem list do domu z czescia po angielsku i przekopiowanym tlumaczeniem po polsku z tego translatora - czesc zdań była bez sensu ale cześć miała sens, lub mozna bylo sie połapać o co chodzi
fajne te gorskie wyscigi... <img src="/images/graemlins/gris.gif" alt="" /> pozdro!
Welcome to our forum!
very nice car, and very nice dirivng also <img src="/images/graemlins/uklon.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/uklon.gif" alt="" />
This super special is very interesting, i hope that in poland we will have thigs like this too..
Now I understand why finnish rally drivers are one the best in the world <img src="/images/graemlins/gris.gif" alt="" /> -
Welcome to our forum!
very nice car, and very nice dirivng also
This super special is very interesting, i hope that in poland we will have thigs like this too..
Now I understand why finnish rally drivers are one the best in the worldAnd why polish are one of the worst <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" /> kiddin` <img src="/images/graemlins/biglaugh_.gif" alt="" />
Mr. President don't, any way not like this because polish drivers are allmost that good as finnish. They have 2 OS's minimum every day (way to work and way to home) so they practise alot <img src="/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/hahaha.gif" alt="" /> -
Mr. President don't, any way not like this because polish drivers are allmost that good as
finnish. They have 2 OS's minimum every day (way to work and way to home) so they practise
alotDriving across polish roads is more like rallycross rather than OS (special stage) <img src="/images/graemlins/gris.gif" alt="" />
Driving across polish roads is more like rallycross
rather than OS (special stage)Super Special Stage <img src="/images/graemlins/hehe_.gif" alt="" />